Park(ing) Day 2016
Reclaiming the streets
Client: Blågård School
Our role: Designing and facilitating the workshops and events, Placemaking, Community engagement
Location: Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2015, 2016
Status: Finished
arki_lab facilitated park(ing) day events in 2015 and 2016.
In the fall of 2015 arki_lab facilitated an elective course called “City Lab” at the Blågårds School in Nørrebro. The course aimed to introduce a critical approach to urban design and city shaping. The global event Park(ing) Day, where parking spaces around the whole world are transformed into liveable green oases, greatly aligned with our objectives. The parking lot in front of arki_lab's office was chosen as the site. We wanted this temporary urban park to demonstrate potential innovative solutions to the challenges the students have experienced in public spaces.
For one day, the parking spot was transformed into a lively, green and playful little park, with apples hanging from the trees and grass on the ground. The students presented their unique solutions to the challenges they face in urban spaces, through physical installations such as benches, trees, experimental trash cans, etc.
The event especially became a great learning opportunity when Morten Kabell, the Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs in Copenhagen, dropped by. He highlighted that the Copenhagen youth truly have the opportunity to change the city and be heard, in line with the aim of the course. The event was a great way of encouraging young people to take part in their city's development.
In 2016 arki_lab repeated the Park(ing) Day experience. We again used the parking spot in front of our office in Nørrebro. Everyone was invited to be a designer for the day. Many locals, passers-by, and architecture students joined us to explore innovative urban solutions, as well as engage in a dialogue about the future of our cities.
Throughout the day, the participants used modular wooden boards to dream, define and build their ideas. The outcome was outstanding: tables, bars, chairs, benches, deck chairs, and climbing walls were gradually erected on our tiny parking spot. The most remarkable part was the gradual evolution and iteration of the space. During the day, the space never stopped changing: Think, test, build, reflect, deconstruct and rebuild.
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