Louisiana Exhibition
The architecture around you
Client: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Our role: Teaching and facilitating engagement workshops
Location: Fredensborg, Denmark
Year: 2015
Status: Finished (exhibition at Louisiana)
'The Architecture Around Us' was a collaborative project between Louisiana, the Danish Museum for Modern Art, arki_lab and four schools in the area. The aim was to teach children to engage with their local environment, invoking curiosity, critical thinking and creative responses through a process of active learning and participation.
The course used different teaching methods to inspire the students, including workshops, field trips and the design of small interventions, culminating with an exhibition that showcased their work and offered suggestions to improve the local area.
Beyond the architectural skills and insights, the students achieved an understanding of the importance of process oriented learning. They also gained new tools to engage with and impact their local area. We wanted them to experience their own ability to change things for the better, thus understanding the value of their engagement.
Another key aspect of 'The Architecture Around Us' was the engagement of the teachers from the schools, who were involved in the process and experienced the benefits of combining school subjects with solving real-life issues outside of the school setting.
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