Klimahaven / The Climate Garden

Concept and design for a new landscape garden at Grønjordskollegiet

Client: FA09 Grønjordskollegiet
Funding: VILLUM Fonden, Nordea Fonden, Biodiversitetspuljen (Københavns Kommune)
Our role: Landscape design, concept development, procurement
Location: Grønjordskollegiet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2023-2024  
Status: Ongoing

    We are helping students turn their parking lot into a new, green garden under the name Klimahaven/The Climate Garden. The garden follows the principles; create more biodiversity, re-use as much material as possible and create a new recreational and calm space with natural nooks and pathways for the student residents and their neighbors.

    arki_lab is designing and detailing the project.


    A grey, and not fully occupied, parking lot dominates the central outdoor area of the student housing complex (collegium) Grønjordskollegiet today. The students wanted to change that, and arki_lab was commissioned to engage residents with workshops, conceptualize ideas and dreams and assist in the fundraising process.

    The project has been granted funding from both VILLUM fonden, Nordea fonden and Biodiversitetspuljen.

    The garden is underway, and while the project is being approved as well as the procurement process steps are going on, a temporary garden has been implemented, to create awareness between the residents on what’s to come. The temporary garden is created with funds from Biodiversitetspuljen, and consists of 123 native trees and bushes placed in big bags with soil on the existing lawn. The trees and bushes are to be implemented in the final project.

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