A Safe Harbour
Workshop with the users of Copenhagen Harbour
Client: City & Port Development
Our role: Facilitating engagement workshops, Data treatment and analysis
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2019
Status: Finished
A Changing Harbour
Copenhagen port is rapidly developing with recreational and cultural activities playing a larger role than ever. This brings with it issues of safety and inclusivity. How do we create a safe harbour with room for the many different users of the future? To help answer these questions the City & Port Development will host a series of harbour seminars, inviting the many stakeholders of the harbour.
One Board Game - 42 Kilometers of Quay
arki_lab facilitated a workshop at the very first seminar to generate ideas and facilitate dialogue between the roughly 80 participants. To facilitate a workshop with this amount of people we used our board game arki_nopoly. In the first part of the workshop the participants had to work collectively to identify challenges to harbour safety and discuss potential solutions. The board game covered all of Copenhagen's port area, which was divided into three smaller areas: the North Harbour, the South Harbour and the Inner Harbour. Each group reviewed all three areas throughout the game, moving from one board to the next. In the second part of the workshop, we asked the groups to select their five biggest challenges and best ideas or most innovative solutions and hang them on a map of the port area. This was used to wrap up the workshop, giving an overview of which areas have the greatest need and opportunities to improve safety. Further, it worked well as a conversation tool for the participants afterwards.
The data from the workshop was collected and analysed by arki_lab and handed over to City & Port Development as a presentation for future use.
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