Byens Hus - Masterplan

A New Community House in Gentofte

Client: Gentofte Municipality
Our role: Community engagement, Design
Location: Gentofte, Denmark
Year: 2020 - 2021
Status: Finished

In the spring of 2021 arki_lab designed a master plan for Byens Hus in Gentofte. The masterplan includes a disposition of the facilities and functions in the buildings and the outdoor area, a strategy for wayfinding, as well as a plan for realization and implementation of the vision and strategy. 

The goal is to transform the house into a centre for activity, cooperation and initiative that can serve the already existing and very diverse group of users and the rest of the citizens of Gentofte.

In 2019, the International School in Gentofte moved to another location and the buildings were acquire by the Municipality of Gentofte and turned into Byens Hus, a Community house for  In the same year, arki_lab together with the youth of Gentofte transformed the old school library into a lively meeting place for the young users of the House. This project is continuation of the same effort to further develop and enhance the potentials of the house, this time for all the existing and future users.  

Users as the main drivers 
A central part of the project is engaging the various user groups that all have an interest in the development of the community. arki_lab facilitates an engaging involvement process where tools such as the co-op game arki_nopoly and focus groups help gain insight in the needs, ideas and wishes of the different users.

Furthermore, Byens Hus should cater to both existing users and attract other citizens of the municipality to fill the house with life. Therefore, the master plan for Byens Hus will be developed with a focus on creating a welcoming atmosphere in common areas,while rooms with special purposes will be designed to fulfil the needs of those who use them on a regular basis.

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