Byens Hus - Youth Environment

Upgrading the youth environment's interior spaces

Client: Gentofte Municipality
Our role: Facilitating engagement workshops, Data treatment and analysis, Place strategies
Location: Gentofte, Denmark
Year: 2019
Status: Completed

Byens Hus, translated The City’s House, in Gentofte is the municipality's new community centre, gathering the various social and cultural activities under one roof. The building will accommodate a wide range of organisations and initiatives that will make it attractive to many different user groups and generations. As part of the new youth policy, all the municipality's youth clubs have been merged, and relocated to the former library in City’s House, which will be the new home to the youth environment. The goal is to give the young people a meeting place where they can connect with peers and the larger community.

The young people as catalyst for development
The project engaged the city's young people, represented by students from four different schools in the age group 14-17. Through workshops they have been introduced to analysis and design tools and have made design proposals for the new youth environment. They have, among other things, played the co-op game arki_nopoly, made suggestions for plan drawings and have built models of creative furniture and decor elements.

A design that develops
Based on the young people's wishes, ideas and models, arki_lab developed a design for the new youth environment. The design is flexible and dynamic and incorporates elements such as wayfinding, learning activities and space for small and large communities. There is room to further develop the space together with the young people, which will help support a the maker spirit, that should be fostered in the new environment. In line with this, the young people participated in the construction activities to prepare it for the official opening of the City's House.

The new mobile café environment will allow different kinds of activities to take place, and have space for teachers to bring classes during school hours to work on projects which require a more creative framework. Apart from the café in the heart of the space, cozy nooks and crannies can be found along the side together with quiet areas, a creative workspace, etc.

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