Last week we organized a successful event at Brønshøj Skole with students who participated in arki_lab urban design workshops. Our methodology in these workshops aims to educate young people about urban design and planning in an engaging way by applying arki_lab’s interactive educational tools – ARKI_NOPOLY and CoCityApp. Through this process students proposed redesign plans for their local square – Brønshøj Torv, which consisted of detailed plans, collages and models. The final products of this process were exhibited during the event, which was set up as a design fair in which the students had the role of ambassadors of their design projects. Assigning them with this role is a significant aspect of our teaching method, because it increases students’ work motivation and overall learning results. Furthermore, our evaluation of the entire project with the school teachers at Brønshøj Skole indicates that our teaching method in which we apply the interactive tools and create a new learning environment has very positive effects in activating all students.
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